
Blogging Assignment 8

The most radical improvement that I think I made this term is not the skills in researching, reading  or etc, but something more important for me. I have learned to hand in assignments on time...(more than before)! It is a usual and normal thing to do and what we are supposed to do as a student, yet I have not been able to do it till the last term. Since Mr. Hoskins (thankfully) gave us tons of homework within the short period of time, it forced me to do it as quickly as possible, which worked in a good way for me to gain the way how I negotiate my priorities to do. Also, the idea of using google docs for noting our grade records enabled me to check my records easily, and enabled me to force myelf to do the homeworks when they weren't done as my classmates could see them as well. Therefore, I really thank to him and the style he took to mark our grades! Other than that, the skill in discussion, organising an essay or an argument, may have improved as I feel I now can do it more logically easily than before.


    Blogging Assignment 7

    To me, the first quote "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal" means that the technology made by human has actually turned out to be a dangerous tool that can kill us off - by a pathological criminal, meaning the pathological human, ourselves.


    Blogging Assignment 6

    It means to me as the principle that there are any unexpected outcomes to be happened. This could be supported by the quote the author has in his book, "We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us." I think he is saying here that the technology we human have developed could well change -negatively, possibly- more other things of what we even haven't expected. As my own example, it was a "Unintended Consequence" that I couldn't fell in a sleep after drinking a cup of coffee to keep myself awake, just for a while I was doing my home work: but the coffee worked very well that I did not get sleepy after finishing it as well. 


    Blogging Assigment 5

    The topic of my essay 2 will be about making babies using the sperm bank. My thesis statement will be: having babies by using sperm bank causes a critical debate between the assisted reproduction and the designer babies, and some other ethical issues such as the increase in single mothers unwilling to marry who make their babies by using it.

    Blogging assignment4

    In my opinion, it would be very difficult for schools to educate the students with enhanced students together. That is because they are technologically enhanced that they differ to normal students too much in many ways, making hard to give an appropriate level of education for both of them. For example, the enhanced students have an incredible physical abilities that it is impossible giving an balanced level of P.E. class to all the students. When the level of lessen is set for the normal pupils, it will be too boring and meaning less to enhanced ones, while it cannot be set for the latter as it will be amazingly hard for the former. This will also question the concept of education that students should be given the level of education that is average for the students in that age.


    Blogging Assignment3

    The modifications to the human genome currently being studied and experimented with will eventually change human nature radically, to come to question the concept of human beings. For example, the cloning skill has been improving more and more, which could finally result in the birth of human race mixed with a species of animal in order to get the benefits that animals have. That could well change the definition of human unethically, making the human nature complicated.


    Blog assignment2

    My revised thesis statement for Essay 1 is "A sense of nationality strongly affects the formation of individual identity in several ways, including the character, lifestyle and the self-esteem," and the three main supporting ideas for this thesis are as follows; language, physical characteristics and the national character. The first supporting point is that language you speak affects your identity as it builds your way of thinking. As a example, an scholar(name forgotten) say "language shapes your experience, and experience shapes your language." The second supporting point is your physical characteristics that is from your race influence your self-esteem. Here I use the example of my brother looking an Europian who cannot speak other languages than Japanese at all. The last supporting point is that possible national characteristics can become your characteristics which makes your actions and lifestyle. I use the example of  my self and the brother.


    Blogging assignment1

    My essay topic is about the relationship between nationality and identity. The reason why I chose it is because I myself is mixed race person, and I think nationality does a lot to affect you in modifying your identity. It is very interesting that my brother who cannot speak German at all still feels that he is half a Swiss as well as I, who used to speak German fluently, do. The thesis statement is the nationality affects you in modifying your identity.