
Blogging Assignment 8

The most radical improvement that I think I made this term is not the skills in researching, reading  or etc, but something more important for me. I have learned to hand in assignments on time...(more than before)! It is a usual and normal thing to do and what we are supposed to do as a student, yet I have not been able to do it till the last term. Since Mr. Hoskins (thankfully) gave us tons of homework within the short period of time, it forced me to do it as quickly as possible, which worked in a good way for me to gain the way how I negotiate my priorities to do. Also, the idea of using google docs for noting our grade records enabled me to check my records easily, and enabled me to force myelf to do the homeworks when they weren't done as my classmates could see them as well. Therefore, I really thank to him and the style he took to mark our grades! Other than that, the skill in discussion, organising an essay or an argument, may have improved as I feel I now can do it more logically easily than before.

    1 件のコメント:

    1. Good for you! Time management is an incredibly powerful tool in your academic and later professional success. I very much appreciate all the hard work you've done this term.
